So the problem here is that I have been working around the schedules of my Orthopedic Surgeon, Primary MD, Neurologist, Neurosurgeon, Imaging Center, Dave (for rides to and from all of these places). Thank goodness I don't have a schedule to work around. The only place I go is to see those aforementioned medical personnel. If I only had one doc to go through things would be so much quicker. Nice Neurologist understands this but can't do a whole lot about it.
I really have about had it. There are times when I look like this pic, or at least I think I look like that. Who wants to look in the mirror when they look like that?!?! I get mad at anyone who happens to be within firing range. Going through all of this makes me incredibly sad. I feel like I'm the poster child for "there but for the grace of God go I". But then on the other hand I see other people going through things and am thankful that I only have this to deal with. Right now I'm in the "I want to get out!!!" mode. But I can't run away from myself. I know I have to go through this. I have all these emotions running through me and then I take a look at myself and see the changes that have occurred since "The Fall". I was going to list them but what would that accomplish? I'm dealing with the body and the circumstances that I have now. I try hard not to belly ache but this pain is wearing me down. I just wanted to get this post done today because I feel I'm at a crossroads. It's all REAL now. It's not a novelty anymore. Nothing is new anymore. Too much has happened and now it's scary. I've lost my vision of being well. I don't feel like I'm on a sick leave anymore. It's here and its REAL.
The nerve pain is taking on a life of its own and I keep forgetting that I also have a hip that isn't healing. This is a great time for denial!!
Thanks to everyone who cares about me. Whether we see each other or not, I know you're there. I feel better after unloading. Maybe it's the increased pain meds but I am feeling a bit more human. Earlier today I told Dave that I was ready to go into my cocoon--cut myself off from everyone and everything. I thought I would just hunker down in my bed and sleep the days away. Now I'm thinking that I know better than that. I know that to keep my sanity and health I need to be around people. So if y'all will hang in there with me, I'll hang with you! So I'll end this on a better note. Doesn't that piggy look happy? That's me.
Deb, I really enjoy your blogs and writing style,I didn't remember that you are such a good writer.However,I am so sad that you aren't blogging about fun and wonderful things.You are retired and should be enjoying life.I hope and pray you are enjoying the good life again very soon. Sending love your way. Carol
ReplyDeleteI'm going to start being more positive. I'm trying to laugh as much as I can and it does make me feel better. Got some happy news today that my back was NOT injured during my fall so I'm not looking at back surgery Yea!!! Thanks for reading my travel notes on this funky journey
DeleteDeb, I've been feeling sorry for myself and my hard row to hoe and now I am reminded I don't have it so bad. Your current situation isn't what
ReplyDeleteanyone would ask for and making the best of it is hard work. This next week is really hectic for me but I'll get over to hang after that. Big hug to you. About the pic of the girl crying..... The BEST. That is a serious case of WAAAAAH! Maggie
That kid sure says a lot in that pic!!!!
DeleteDoncha just love blog unloads? As Luke says "Poop on a stick." to things that just plain stink.
ReplyDeleteEnough POOP! Bring on the good stuff!!