This weekend I'm doing one last thing for my friend Sue. My good friend died on March 29, 2010, two months before her oldest daughter's wedding. Several months before she died, Sue asked me to go with her to the wedding as part of her "bridal party". She wanted to share this moment with her friends and since the wedding is in another state, most of her friends would not be able to attend. As she got sicker, I realized that I would need to be there as a friend and a nurse. I anticipated that she would need a lot of help, but it was still something that could be accomplished. Then there came a time when I knew but was reluctant to bring up--she would not be able to make the trip. She realizd this, too. Even viewing it on a computer "live" was something she did not want to happen because the wedding would have her as a focus. She did not want to take any focus away from the newlyweds. It was after she realized that she wouldn't be able to go that I realized the real reason she wanted me there. Along with two other close friends, she wanted us to stand in her place to, along with her husband, "give the bride away" to her new husband. I was surprised. What an honor. I was overcome with love and compassion for my dear friend and told her I would be there for her.
So, the time is almost here. Only a few more days until the wedding. I am having such bittersweet feelings. I'm going to do this because I'm carrying out the final request of my friend. I also have very close ties to the bride as she was one of my daughter's best friends since Kindergarten. She spent a lot of time in our home and was one of my "add on kids". But whenever I think about Sue not being there I get this feeling of sinking butterflies in my gut. It doesn't seem right. It seems out of balance. She definitely should be there instead of me. I think about her every day. I really miss her. I still have trouble believing she's gone.
Sue, this one last thing I do for you.
I'm glad we shared this weekend together.